Dive Stores band together to help local Ontario dive quarry!

Today was a great day to be a diver, as despite the rainy conditions, over 80 people from the 3 main local dive shops came out to support Gullivers Lake, our local dive quarry, for the largest ever post-storm clean up dive. After a dreadful storm ripped through Flamborough last week, Gullivers was closed for 6 days while the park was cleaned up. And while the topside looked
great after those 6 days, our concern was that there may be garbage and debris that was blown into the lake. Float N' Flag jumped into action and organized the clean up dive, involving 2 of the other main users of Gullivers, Rec & Tek Scuba from Hamilton and Tri-City Scuba from Kitchener (all PADI shops). All of us were happy to work together for a common purpose.
So after only a couple days of e-mail and facebook postings, divers from all 3 shops gathered on July 31 as a dive community to show our support. Each shop offered free tank rentals and fills in addition to the free park admission that was offered by the park to all who participated. Float N' Flag also provided free water, Powerade and snacks for all divers participating. In the water, we scoured almost every inch of the lake to ensure it remains in pristine condition. We also had surface support that walked the entire perimeter looking for any remaining trash distributed by the storm. It's now back in great shape and we're a better community because of it.
Shown below is the Float N' Flag group that came out. There were another 6 people in the water not shown here (for a total of 44 divers + shore support). It was our largest group ever at Gullivers on a Wednesday night, so that said something about how important Gullivers and their staff is to all of us.