Go Eco Phuket clean up 13th Aug 2013
Scuba Cat joined many other dive companies in Phuket to undertake the now annual Go Eco Phuket underwater clean up.
The event was organised by Go Eco Phuket and the Governers of Phuket province.
On the day there were 13 dive boats with volunteers and goverment officials, a Thai Navy support boat, and 4 speedboats to take local Thai children to the island for beach clean up's.
The main events took place at the Racha Islands, but all along the coast of Phuket beach clean ups were being undertaken.
The date was chosen to coinside with the Queen of Thailands birthday which was on the 12th, this is also Mothers Day in Thailand.
Scuba Cat diving were allocated a site a Racha Yai island for the underwater clean up, but we also volunteered to put down new mooring lines for the boats.
We would like to thank all of our Dive Staff, Boat staff, volunteers, Kiwi Divers, Shark Guardians for giving their time to join us on the boat for this day and All about Scuba Diving for sponsering our boat to take part in the event.
We put down 2 new mooring lines at Bay 2 and collected approximately 70kg of debris from underwater.