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Dollars for Dives - Help Project AWARE by logging your dives


For every dive logged on during August 2013, ‪#‎padi‬ will donate $1 to one of our favorite non-profits, Project AWARE Foundation. As an incentive to help Project AWARE, we're offering a free rash guard to the member of our "dive crew" on ScubaEarth who logs the most dives this month. 

To be eligible to participate, you only need to join our crew on ScubaEarth and start logging!  Please note that we're counting dives logged in August, regardless of the date of the actual dive.  Then on the first of Sept. we'll see which of our crew has the most logged dives and will be the lucky recipient of a new SPF 50 long sleeved rash guard!  Help support ocean protection this month by logging your dives!

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