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Shave for Sharks

Netherlands Antilles

11.85875, -68.664551

Help me raise not $2000, not $5000 but $10,000 for Project AWARE Shark Protection project before my 29th birthday, as I'm shaving off all my hair to make a stand against shark finning.  Don't let me do this without raising a ton of money for our precious sharks.  

Nearly one out of five shark species are classified by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) as Threatened with extinction.  That doesn't even include hundreds of species (almost half of all sharks) whose population status cannot be assessed because of lack of information.

You can play a critical role in saving sharks by donating to Project AWARE.  They have already helped put five species of highly traded sharks, manta rays and a species of sawfish on the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), effectively limiting the commercial international trade of these animals (

Help me reach my target of $10,000 by the 9th of July 2013 by donating today – every little bit counts.   All donations go directly to Project AWARE Foundation a registered, non-profit organization.  Your donation is 100 percent tax deductible where allowable by law.

Help sharks today!

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