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Calypso's 18km Swim for Sharks and Rays


Huge thanks to all the swimmers, supporters and donors: together we raised $2,215 already for Project AWARE shark protection! The FINATHON™ held at Calypso on 29 May 2013 aimed to fundraise to help end shark finning and keep the balance of the oceans. It’s been a total success, and funds for Project AWARE are still rolling in, with followers of the story amazed by the efforts of participants. The dive and office staff, as well as our recent IDC graduates Randy and Gery, joined the swim team. The Calypso team swam a total of 18 kilometres, which is equivalent of swimming around the whole island of Boracay!!!


Andrew Barrett, PADI Master Instructor at Calypso, had huge international support with his witty mince pie appeal. It must be a FINATHON™ record since Andrew did a 7.5 kilometres swim in 4 hours for the $925 that he raised towards the team effort. “Burn some calories and save sharks with Project AWARE”, said Andrew who had committed 1.5 kilometres and an extra 100 metres for every $10 donation.

“Save the species on the verge of extinction” is what Chis Hewett, PADI IDC Staff Instructor at Calypso, believes in. Being a professional diver, it is important for him to protect the ocean, and that is his main goal in joining this team swim. Good fun is how he described the event after swimming 1.6 kilometres, and he also encouraged others by saying “It’s time to get serious in protecting our oceans”.

“People need to stop eating shark’s fin!”, that is the simple yet remarkable appeal of Rainier Jon dela Cerna, PADI MSDT Instructor at Calypso, after his swim in the event. He is still hoping to get more donations for Project AWARE, who focus on education and advocacy for key issues such as marine debris and threatened aquatic species needing protection. Recent victories to protect endangered species achieved by AWARE and other shark advocates at CITES 2013 show that our support and collective actions are working.

There are more FINATHON™ swims around the globe in the coming months, and always opportunities to support Project AWARE. You can do your bit! Visit and, be aware, spread the word, get involved, and together we can save our ocean planet.

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