Eco-Divemaster Intern in Lembeh finishes her artifical reef structure

Our Eco-Divemaster Intern in Lembeh, Sarah, has finished her artifical reef structure, and its been launched! Here is an excerpt from her blog:
"With my structure for the artificial reef complete, Monday was the day that we were going to try and put it into position. With Matt, Aso, and Sandy taking the concrete feet down with their lift bags, it was up to Dani, Fenly, Rein and me to somehow carry the structure. After some heavy lifting, then some hard pulling, and almost losing my camera (good search and recovery practice) we managed to get the structure to sink in the exact position I had planned. Fingers crossed that next time I’m here it will be bustling with marine life."
Here is her full blog and pics -
Well done Sarah!!