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PADI Finathon - A Fundraiser to Help End Shark Finning

Rancho Santa Margarita, United States

33.63899, -117.602935

Are you and your friends FINatical about Sharks?  Project AWARE & PADI Staff are swimming 25 kilometers to end shark finning for Project AWARE’s first Finathon™!  The clock’s ticking for vanishing shark species. You can join the race to protect them.  Join our Finathon™ team, seek sponsorship and let the global race to end shark finning begin.

Thanks to your support Project AWARE will:

  • Fight to stop shark finning
  • Insist on full protections for critically endangered sharks
  • Negotiate stronger policies to ensure a brighter future for all sharks

If you are a PADI employee or a friend (close friends and family over 18 years please) and are up for the challenge please contact Lauren Wiskerson or Jay Munson to join the crew. You can join our surface support too if you aren’t ready to swim.

What: Join the team of up to 25 swimmers and swim 1 kilometer (20 full laps). Collect donations from your friends and family to help end finning.

Why swim? You can easily raise $100 (the cost of a bowl of shark fin soup) simply by asking a handful of close friends and family (or ask me for other fundraising tips). Plus swimming feels great and you are free to take on the swim in any style, use mask, fin & snorkel, rubber ducky – you name it. You will have the time of your life. Oh and then there’s food, drinks and prizes!

WHY SHARKS? Finning kills thousands of sharks every day. This cruel and wasteful practice involves slicing off the sharks’ fins and throwing the body overboard. Unable to swim, the shark bleeds to death or drowns. Shark fishing is largely unregulated in most of the world’s oceans. Together divers have a powerful, collective voice to secure protection for endangered shark species worldwide.

Don’t delay; join the team and your fundraising efforts today!

Want to support by making a donation? Visit the team fundraising page - 

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