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Sub-Mission, UK - Online fundraising for Tough Mudder Challenge


Sub-Mission UK is raising sponsorship online through the "Tough Mudder Challenge” in support of Project AWARE this November. Show them your support by leaving a comment on their fundraising page or by making a donation.

They’re training like mad for the toughest event on the planet.

“On November 18th we’ll be putting ourselves through hell, all in the name of a good cause and team spirit. Please donate generously to Project AWARE to help make the training all worthwhile!” said Katy Bloor, Sub-Mission. 

Charity fund raising should be challenging shouldn’t it? Isn’t the whole idea of asking for donations meant to be for something scary, dangerous or just ridiculously difficult? A few months ago I found the event that would be all of these things and push us to the limit; Tough Mudder – “Probably the toughest event on the planet”.

Tough Mudder is a hardcore 12 mile-long obstacle courses designed by the Special Forces to test your all around strength, stamina, mental grit, and camaraderie. It looked perfect for a fund raiser, especially as I would have to do some serious training to get into shape for the event.

I had one problem though; the ethos of Tough Mudder is that the course is not a race but a team challenge.

“To get through mud, fire, ice-water, and 10,000 volts of electricity you’ll need teammates to pick you up when morale is low. To get over 12 foot walls and through underground mud tunnels, you’ll need teammates to give you a boost and a push. Tough Mudders are team players who make sure no one gets left behind.”

So I needed to persuade some other mad, crazy fools to get on board and join up and I thought that this may be more of a challenge than the event itself. With a bit of sweet talking, blackmail and bullying I pulled together a team of 10 other lunatics and so the story begins.

We have each paid an entry fee, which a portion of the money goes to Help for Heroes and any money raised will be donated to Project AWARE.

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