Stop Shark Finning Support Shark Stewards Work
Its Sharktober Again!

Become a Shark Steward and join the shark movement. Help us by supporting this important work in policy and hands on conservation.
A recent scientific study suggests that the California population of white sharks numbers around 220 adult and subadult sharks. Another study published by Mexican researchers indicates that population is around 100. These two locations are the major aggregations of this evolutionary distinct population. These sharks are impacted by habitat loss, a history of overfishing, contamination, and face continued threats from the shark fin trade. They are also poached for curios like jaws and teeth and juveniles are being killed each year in the Southern California drift gillnet fishery. These threats lead us and our partners in Oceana and the Center for Biological Diversity to help provide greater protection and provide more resources to monitor and study these sharks. Learn more here and support or Great White Shark Campaign.
Shark Fight- Fight for Sharks on Sharkweek. David was featured as the conservation scientist and consultant on a show featuring shark attack victims turned shark advocates. It was a hard hitting show with a strong conservation message. Our anti finning message came on loud and clear to 4 million viewers. Next year Discovery is planning a more intensive story with us on the shark fin trade. Fins crossed that this story gets produced.
Hammerheads Sharks are Getting Hammered. Lead by our Costa Rican partners PRETOMA, our work on the Shark Specialist Group providing catch information and fact sheets on Great, Scalloped and Smooth hammerhead sharks is aiding the initiative to list these species under CITES Appendix II. Hugely coveted for their fins, and highly vulnerable to longlines, Hammerhead sharks are seriously threatened. The petition to list, sponsored by Brazil and co sponsored by Costa Rica and Honduras has been accepted and will be considered at the next Coalition of the Parties (CoP16) in Bangkok next year. Shark Stewards will fight hard to help protect these sharks again the objections of countries like Japan and Spain.
Save Our Oceans Save Our Bay- a grass roots initiative to protect critical habitat and species like forage fish in the San Francisco Bay. A joint initiative with Lori Grace and the Sunrise Center, we hare holding a series of Bay cruises and stakeholders meetings to develop support for marine protection in the Bay. If you would like to help protect sharks, fish, and ecosystems in the meeting please join us at our next planning meeting November 10. Tied in with SOB-SOS is the Shark Sanctuary, protecting critical pupping and forage habitat for sharks and evaluating impacts on local sharks.
Surviving the Shark Released this month is a book co written with White Shark survivor Jonathan Kathrein and his mother Margaret. A recount of sixteen year old Jon's harrowing experience in the jaws of a Great White shark while surfing Stinson Beach a decade ago, this book tells the story of what a mother and teenage youth experienced after the attack and how it inspired them to become shark champions. The forward and two chapters were written by David, focusing on shark biology and threats to sharks, with an afterword by Wallace J Nichols. For your copy go here.
FIN-Free Toolkit launched by Shark Stewards. A new trade toolkit supporting grassroots activism to ban the shark fin trade and stop shark finning. Now available for download and use on the Shark Stewards web site.
Follow the Sea is Our Sanctuary blog for news on sharks, fins and other ocean events. Its on the website or blogspot.
Shark Watch, a new Citizen Science program for the iPhone and Droid launched. We are actively recording and soliciting observations of sharks, skates and rays on this interactive database. Watch for Great White Shark sightings and the shark attack file, and enter your own observations.
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From the Director
It is gratifying that this is our 4th year celebrating sharks in San Francisco with the Sharktober celebrations.
What started as a grass roots effort to help spur the Sea Stewards San Francisco Shark Fin Trade Ban, turned into the success of AB 376, a California Law banning the sale, trade and possession of shark fins.
This week we strongly rebutted a lawsuit against the Bill in State Superior Court claiming the fin ban is discriminatory. Shark fins are not about any one culture, they represent an unsustainable practice that is damaging the health of the world ocean.
Initiated by shark lovers like you, the movement has evolved into shark fin bans in 4 other states and new campaigns in Texas and the east coast.
On Sharktober 19, we are swimming for the sharks 3.5 miles around Alcatraz Island to stop shark finning.

You can help Save Sharks by Sponsoring a Swimmer.
Our mutual love of the ocean and sharks inspires me and motivates our team to work for ocean protection every single day even in the water!
Please join us celebrating sharks and all marine life wherever you live, and support our work saving sharks and the ocean.
Sharktoberfest Events
October 4, Shark Life at the California Academy of Sciences, Talk in the Morrison Planetarium on shark discoveries and risks, Shark trivia, live performance by Capacitor, sharkobots, sharkbites and more.
October 12, 6:00 PM Shark Talk and Happy Hour at the Dolphin Club, Aquatic Park.
October 13, 10-2PM Sharks in the Sanctuary, Sharktoberfest with the Gulf of the National Marine Sanctuary. Shark films, sharkitecture 101, and family fun.
October 19, Swim for the Sharks, Support swimmers around Alcatraz Island to raise funds and awareness for sharks and stop shark finning.

October 20, Mill Valley Surf Film Festival and Sharktoberfest, Sweetwater Music Hall, Mill Valley. Sick surf films, music by the Mermen and beer by Lagunitas and Lost Coast Great White Ale.
October 21, 28 Farallon Island Natural History Tours lead by David McGuire. Click here for all the events.
Shark Stewards Chapter Updates
Illinois- Celebrating the passage of HB4119, the Illinois Shark Fin Trade Ban, Shark Stewards Chicago Chair Janet Thomas held a Shark celebration at her restaurant, the 3rd Coast Cafe.
Following an excellent party and fundraiser, Janet jumped on a plane to join the team in Costa Rica to help tag sharks and turtles at Cocos Island. Next month we will receive an update.
President Laura Chinchilla has just announced that Costa Rica will strengthen shark finning regulations and enforcement. Thanks to the work of TIRN and PRETOMA, there is hope for Hammerhead and other shark species.
Texas- Chair Anna Clark, and coordinator Kayla Ellis hosted a gathering of supporters for the Texas shark fin campaign. David McGuire gave a shark lecture at the Shark Days and Planet Shark exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Science and nature, followed by meetings with the Humane Society US and local leaders to move that process forward. Images of both these events are on the Shark Stewards Facebook Page. Please Like us!
New Jersey- Fresh blood has entered the feeding frenzy and we are gearing up for an east coast campaign. Friction with Spiny Dogfish fishermen must be eased to implement better trade regulations.
Ontario Canada- College student and Shark Steward intern Bailey Eagen is educating her peers to continue Canadian success following Vancouver's shark fin ban. Other local chapters in oregon, Florida and Washington are starting.
You can start a Shark Stewards Chapter and build the fin movement. Contact us for information.
Why Sharks?
Sharks are symbols of ocean health, or what can go wrong when we upset the balance.
One third of open ocean sharks are threatened with extinction. Marine Ecosystems are decaying.
Shark populations are Declining.
But we are making a difference.
Support the Shark Sanctuary! Our new organic cotton/bamboo blend shirts are in. Get yours here to support our work. You can help us establish the first Shark Sanctuary in North America by donating today!
Shark Stewards
Shark Stewards is a grass-roots effort to educate, motivate and advocate shark fin legislation and increase shark protection. We stand up for sharks.
To address the overfishing and finning of sharks we are protecting sharks through legislation and activism.
Our new Shark Fin Free Activism Toolkit is available online to help generate new chapters to ban shark finning worldwide and stop the trade of sharks fins.
Shark Stewards is a Project of the
follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friendCopyright © *2012* *David McGuire*, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
[email protected]
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Its Sharktober!
Celebrate Sharks and help support our White Shark, Hammerhead shark and local shark protection campaigns. Join us for our 4th annual Sharktoberfest events, celebrating sharks and oceans health. Celebrate sustainability, solutions for sharks and stopping the shark fin trade.Become a Shark Steward and join the shark movement. Help us by supporting this important work in policy and hands on conservation.
Fins in the News
Protecting Great White SharksThis summer we petitioned the Federal Government and the State of California to protect the North East Pacific population of Great White Sharks under the endangered species act.A recent scientific study suggests that the California population of white sharks numbers around 220 adult and subadult sharks. Another study published by Mexican researchers indicates that population is around 100. These two locations are the major aggregations of this evolutionary distinct population. These sharks are impacted by habitat loss, a history of overfishing, contamination, and face continued threats from the shark fin trade. They are also poached for curios like jaws and teeth and juveniles are being killed each year in the Southern California drift gillnet fishery. These threats lead us and our partners in Oceana and the Center for Biological Diversity to help provide greater protection and provide more resources to monitor and study these sharks. Learn more here and support or Great White Shark Campaign.
Shark Fight- Fight for Sharks on Sharkweek. David was featured as the conservation scientist and consultant on a show featuring shark attack victims turned shark advocates. It was a hard hitting show with a strong conservation message. Our anti finning message came on loud and clear to 4 million viewers. Next year Discovery is planning a more intensive story with us on the shark fin trade. Fins crossed that this story gets produced.
Hammerheads Sharks are Getting Hammered. Lead by our Costa Rican partners PRETOMA, our work on the Shark Specialist Group providing catch information and fact sheets on Great, Scalloped and Smooth hammerhead sharks is aiding the initiative to list these species under CITES Appendix II. Hugely coveted for their fins, and highly vulnerable to longlines, Hammerhead sharks are seriously threatened. The petition to list, sponsored by Brazil and co sponsored by Costa Rica and Honduras has been accepted and will be considered at the next Coalition of the Parties (CoP16) in Bangkok next year. Shark Stewards will fight hard to help protect these sharks again the objections of countries like Japan and Spain.
FIN-Free Toolkit launched by Shark Stewards. A new trade toolkit supporting grassroots activism to ban the shark fin trade and stop shark finning. Now available for download and use on the Shark Stewards web site.
Follow the Sea is Our Sanctuary blog for news on sharks, fins and other ocean events. Its on the website or blogspot.
Shark Watch, a new Citizen Science program for the iPhone and Droid launched. We are actively recording and soliciting observations of sharks, skates and rays on this interactive database. Watch for Great White Shark sightings and the shark attack file, and enter your own observations.
It is gratifying that this is our 4th year celebrating sharks in San Francisco with the Sharktober celebrations.
What started as a grass roots effort to help spur the Sea Stewards San Francisco Shark Fin Trade Ban, turned into the success of AB 376, a California Law banning the sale, trade and possession of shark fins.
This week we strongly rebutted a lawsuit against the Bill in State Superior Court claiming the fin ban is discriminatory. Shark fins are not about any one culture, they represent an unsustainable practice that is damaging the health of the world ocean.
Initiated by shark lovers like you, the movement has evolved into shark fin bans in 4 other states and new campaigns in Texas and the east coast.
On Sharktober 19, we are swimming for the sharks 3.5 miles around Alcatraz Island to stop shark finning.
You can help Save Sharks by Sponsoring a Swimmer.
Our mutual love of the ocean and sharks inspires me and motivates our team to work for ocean protection every single day even in the water!
Please join us celebrating sharks and all marine life wherever you live, and support our work saving sharks and the ocean.
Sharktoberfest Events
October 4, Shark Life at the California Academy of Sciences, Talk in the Morrison Planetarium on shark discoveries and risks, Shark trivia, live performance by Capacitor, sharkobots, sharkbites and more.
October 12, 6:00 PM Shark Talk and Happy Hour at the Dolphin Club, Aquatic Park.
October 13, 10-2PM Sharks in the Sanctuary, Sharktoberfest with the Gulf of the National Marine Sanctuary. Shark films, sharkitecture 101, and family fun.
October 19, Swim for the Sharks, Support swimmers around Alcatraz Island to raise funds and awareness for sharks and stop shark finning.
October 20, Mill Valley Surf Film Festival and Sharktoberfest, Sweetwater Music Hall, Mill Valley. Sick surf films, music by the Mermen and beer by Lagunitas and Lost Coast Great White Ale.
October 21, 28 Farallon Island Natural History Tours lead by David McGuire. Click here for all the events.
Illinois- Celebrating the passage of HB4119, the Illinois Shark Fin Trade Ban, Shark Stewards Chicago Chair Janet Thomas held a Shark celebration at her restaurant, the 3rd Coast Cafe.
Following an excellent party and fundraiser, Janet jumped on a plane to join the team in Costa Rica to help tag sharks and turtles at Cocos Island. Next month we will receive an update.
President Laura Chinchilla has just announced that Costa Rica will strengthen shark finning regulations and enforcement. Thanks to the work of TIRN and PRETOMA, there is hope for Hammerhead and other shark species.
Texas- Chair Anna Clark, and coordinator Kayla Ellis hosted a gathering of supporters for the Texas shark fin campaign. David McGuire gave a shark lecture at the Shark Days and Planet Shark exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Science and nature, followed by meetings with the Humane Society US and local leaders to move that process forward. Images of both these events are on the Shark Stewards Facebook Page. Please Like us!
New Jersey- Fresh blood has entered the feeding frenzy and we are gearing up for an east coast campaign. Friction with Spiny Dogfish fishermen must be eased to implement better trade regulations.
Ontario Canada- College student and Shark Steward intern Bailey Eagen is educating her peers to continue Canadian success following Vancouver's shark fin ban. Other local chapters in oregon, Florida and Washington are starting.
You can start a Shark Stewards Chapter and build the fin movement. Contact us for information.
Why Sharks?
Sharks are symbols of ocean health, or what can go wrong when we upset the balance.
One third of open ocean sharks are threatened with extinction. Marine Ecosystems are decaying.
Shark populations are Declining.
But we are making a difference.
Shark Stewards
Shark Stewards is a grass-roots effort to educate, motivate and advocate shark fin legislation and increase shark protection. We stand up for sharks.
To address the overfishing and finning of sharks we are protecting sharks through legislation and activism.
Our new Shark Fin Free Activism Toolkit is available online to help generate new chapters to ban shark finning worldwide and stop the trade of sharks fins.
Shark Stewards is a Project of the
Our mailing address is:
[email protected]