A Matter of Life and Depth!
Ian Churchill’s Marine Man (www.ianchurchillsmarineman.com) came to Sharm el Sheikh in September to wage war on his 3 arch-enemies – Octo, The Mariner and underwater debris!
Camel Dive Club’s real-world marine men and women took to the bay to help him deal with a matter of life and depth – trash! Armed with broom handle Tridents, THOSE green leopard print shorts, veggie bags and Marigolds, our superheroes successfully groomed the Na’ama Bay training area. Even locals and tourists were duck-diving down to plop rubbish found floating at the surface into our collection bags!
The majority of the rubbish found was plastic: food packaging, plastic bags and cigarette filters (which are made from cellulose acetate – a plastic slow to degrade). www.savemyoceans.com say, “Organisms at the bottom of the food chain, such as plankton and krill ingest chemicals attached to microscopic plastic particles. As larger fish consume the smaller ones, the chemicals work their way up the food chain. This then has a devastating effect on human health.”
Thanks to the 44 staff and guests who took part on our 4 underwater clean up events during Project AWARE’s (www.projectaware.org) Dive for Debris month, collecting a total of 22 kg.