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Langley Diving Makes A Splash in Sasamat Lake


The Debris Month of Action focuses on the ocean but at Langley Diving we remember the lakes close to home.  For four years in a row we have visited tiny Sasamat Lake in nearby Port Moody in the heart of British Columbia's Fraser Valley.  Families swim, play and fish in this Provincial Park every year.  And every fall Langley Diving comes in and cleans up the mess they leave behind.  This year was no exception.

38 divers, 15 shore support and a barbcue lunch all added up to 1,225 aluminum cans, 400+ bottles, assorted paddles, glasses and junk weighing over 500 pounds.

The cans have generated $116 from recycling already, the lunch, supplied by Langley Diving, raised over $300 in donations from participants and the bottles will raise another $100+. That's over $500 for Project AWARE!   Our suppliers, Innovative Scuba Concepts, BARE, Aqua Lung and Sharkbite (Scubapro) donated prizes for every participant.   Want to know whats sad?  Every year we go to Sasamat Lake and every year we pull out more garbage than the year before!  It's not just the oceans folks.  We need clean fresh-water lakes and rivers to have something to drink!


From the My Ocean Community

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