FOOD for thought
I recently visited Monterey, Ca. I had the pleasure of dinning at an exceptional restaurant that not only has great service, but also they are enviroment leaders in the area.
Domenico's & Cafe Fina have lead the way in the Monterey area for many years even before being "ecofreindly" was the trend. A few ways they are being proactive for the aquatic enviromnent are by: 1) being an active part of the seafood watch program sponsered by the Monterey Bay Aquarium. 2) using metal cups for their free clam chowder soup samples instead of plastic cups. 3) using cloth napkins to reduce the amount of paper napkins used. & 4) serving Sustainable seafoods on their menu.
for more information on the Seafood Watch program goto
The reason using reusable metal cups for their samples is so important and impressive as well is that It is more work for the business to use the metal cups. Also as the seagulls in the area very often grab the plastic cups and drop them into the Ocean, using the metal cups reduces the trash build up in the water dramatically.
Domenico's and Cafe Fina's practices in general are not only helping the local environment but the environment globally. They are proactivly demonstrating they are following the think globally act locally ideals.
I really respect their efforts and will continue to support their places. Next time you are in Monterey, Ca head out to fishermans warf and experience an Amazing dinning experience with these Amazing, enviromental leaders.
I would like to give special thanks to the Manager James, the Owners Dominic and Sam, bartenders Anthoney and Judi and staff member John for their great service and information for this blog.
Thank You All
Jeff the Diver
For more info on Domenico's goto