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Shouting Out For Sharks...


Many species of shark are now on the brink of extinction, and they need our help.  During the month of April Khao Lak Scuba Adventures will be making a huge effort to gain as many signatures as possible for Project AWARE’s Give Sharks A Chance petition...

Project AWARE aim to gather as many signatures as possible to present at the CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) conference being held in Pattaya, Thailand in March 2013.  Hopefully, if enough signatures can be presented the committee will listen and sharks can hope for better protection and a better future.

Also in April, PADI Course Director Richard Reardon will be teaching the PADI Reef Shark Awareness Distinctive Specialty Instructor course at Khao Lak Scuba Adventures during their Instructor Development Course (IDC).  This course will allow the new instructors to help spread the word about the plight of sharks and how people can help.  They will be qualified to teach this course to all their diving students in the future – teaching them all about the biology and behaviour of sharks as well as educating them on various shark conservation projects.

If you’re in Khao Lak, pop into the Khao Lak Scuba Adventures shop and sign your name on the petition too.  If you’re not in Khao Lak, then you can still help.  You can also sign the petition online, by following this link – Give Sharks A Chance.

You could also download the petition signing sheets and begin collecting the signatures yourself.  If you have your own website, you can also add the petition widget to your website and help collect signatures that way too...

So, wherever you are there’s no excuse – give the sharks a big shout out in April, and spread the word...


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