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Cooper Island Beach Club Clean Up



 Staff from Sail Caribbean Divers along with children volunteering from Cedar International school headed up an on land and underwater clean up of the coast line of Cooper Island in the BVI. Once on island the group split into their sections headed up by Sail Caribbean Divers staff. The first group were to do the underwater clean up on scuba equipment whilst the second group would attack the beach clean up. After each group was briefed the land crew donned gloves and grabbed trash bags and started to explore the coastline. The dive group grabbed mesh bags and put on their scuba gear before heading underwater.     The first round of clean up turned up clothing, pottery, an anchor and much more. After a short break to check out what each group had rounded up everyone got back to work to finish the job. It was starting to get hot but everyone really pitched in for a last ditch effort to keep Cooper Island and it's surrounding waters clean. The divers turned up lots more swag as did the land team but all in all a great job was done by everyone that participated.   More beach clean ups are scheduled for the following months. Visit our website at to get more info!

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