Discarded Net Removed from the TAR Park, Kota Kinabalu
It was an action-packed weekend for the divers at our PADI 5 Star IDC Dive Centre on Gaya island, who assembled to remove another discarded net from our beloved TAR Park in Kota Kinabalu.
After reporting the net and obtaining the relevant permissions, resident PADI Course Director Richard Swann assembled members from our staff team and Go Pro interns to attack the net.
The net removal procedure was explained to the team in a thorough, tailored dive briefing, after which they set off to the site to do the needful.
The rather large, gill net had trapped a fair few marine fish and a particularly large lobster, all of which were successfuly released to live long and prosper.
Our net removal team worked swiftly, but carefully, to untangle the net from the corals and return the illegal net to the surface for proper disposal.
Downbelow's net removal operations are all internally funded and is fueled by our 100% committment to Project AWARE and marine conservation.
See more photos from this Project AWARE event and others on our Conservation Page on our website.