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Intern Victor Spreads Shark Awareness


Environmental awareness is a priority for Downbelow, especially when it comes to groups.

So when 18 Danish adventurers joined us for a week of snorkeling and learning how to dive, it was no surprise that where others may see only students, we saw champions for the fight against shark extinction.

One of our local divemaster inerns, Victor, took it upon himself to spread shark awareness and make the Danes aware of what peril our shark populations are in.

He explained to the adventurers from Denmark why and how threatened shark populations are due to the shark-fin trade and as victims of by-catch.

Victor also showed them the silver lining though, how, through intiatives and strenght in numbers, Project AWARE have been spear-heading action, which is making a difference.

During his mini-campaign he also collected another 18 signatures from the group for the various Project AWARE shark petitions.

Downbelow is fully committed to Project AWARE and participates in the 100% Project AWARE initiative, which means everyone that qualifies with us gets a Project AWARE branded certification card.

We love the environment, and with a Project AWARE certifications card you can show people that you do too; a great reason to get certified with Downbelow.

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