Take care of the Corals
I recently lead a group of divers to Fiji to go diving. Fiji is a very colorful and beautiful place but if you take a moment of stop and observe you may have a different opinion.
I must say there were many dead corals and miscellaneous trash on the beachs of our resort.
Every morning while waiting for our dive boat we as a group picked up trach, plastic bottles and glass on the beach. I over heard another group of divers make the comment that they should organize a beach clean up while on vacation. If we all just pitched in and helped the task would not be so great.
The corals are another concern...I always teach me divers Peak Performance Buoyancy just as a matter of course and I am proud of that. I cringe when I see divers kicking corals and plant life with no regard to the damage they are causing. We are in someone elses home. I believe we should treat the oceans with care and respect. We are only visitors. How do you treat your relatives when you visit them?? I would like to think if we showed a bit more respect for our fishy family in their home things may get better with ocean conservation.
Remember take only pictures and leave only bubbles.