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22-11-11 eco project for Dmt's at Coral Nursery


Three of our DMT's, led by instructors Sarah Van Name and Scott Butz, conducted a monitoring project of our adopted nursery off of Sairee Beach on Koh Tao. First, they were given a lecture by Sarah, detailing what coral is, what it needs to survive and threats to it's health. On dive one, they conducted a coral health check, counted missing corals and searched for and collected threatened fragments near the shore. Back on the boat, with the fragments safe in a bucket of salt water, the instructors went through the fragments showing which ones were good for transplant and why. The chosen corals were cleaned of any algae and trimmed to appropriate size.  Dive two, algae that was encroaching on the nursery was cleared away and the fragments successfully transplanted. Let's hope they grow big and healthy!

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ECO Project for Sunshine's Divemasters in TrainingSEE EVENT

Thanks to Dmt's Huw, Tom and Kim, we hope you enjoyed learning and helping out.

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