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100% AWARE Program


I'm so excited that the 100% AWARE program is now available.

When Instructors and Dive Centers sign up to be 100% AWARE, they join dedicated scuba professionals across the world in supporting ocean protection with every student they certify through PIC online. Once officially 100% AWARE, each of their dive students will receive the Project AWARE version of the PADI certification card, showing their support to protect our ocean planet.

The donation on behalf dive students supports conservation initiatives such as:         

·         Collecting data and removing devastating debris worldwide while tackling prevention and policy efforts addressing long-term solutions.

·         Securing protection for the world’s most threatened shark species. Together, we are creating a powerful, collective voice to lead global grassroots change.

·         Strengthening shark finning bans and closing loopholes.  Project AWARE and volunteer divers have been involved in several advancements for shark protection around the world so far and we’ll continue closing loopholes in areas where they matter most.

·         Engaging divers in education and conservation actions worldwide.


When committed to the program, Project AWARE sends a certificate, window sticker, poster and flyers, for participants to show off their support.


If you would like to become 100% AWARE please contact me for further information and to get signed up.

From the My Ocean Community

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