Dive Against Debris Day
Underwater Vision Dives Against Debris
Focusing on Preventing Debris Underwater – One Dive at a Time
Local scuba divers and Underwater Vision will Dive Against Debris this Monday, 26th of September 2011 at Aquarium, Utila. As part of Underwater Vision's commitment to protecting the ocean, trained divers not only remove underwater debris such as plastic bottles, and fishing line, but also identify and document everything we see underwater in a larger effort to prevent marine debris.
Marine debris – or our trash in the ocean – makes its way to our underwater environments by the ton. Underwater Vision along with divers around the world are demanding a permanent reduction in and prevention of the garbage we create that damages sensitive marine ecosystems - even in some of the most remote corners of the globe.
Scuba divers are uniquely positioned to tackle the global marine debris issue, to take action every day and prevent debris from entering the ocean. For more information on Underwater Vision's Dive Against Debris Day go to: http://www.facebook.com/groups/112435072177741/