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Aussie Fundraiser's Touchdown Perth


September 16
We left Albany and headed to Denmark to Manjimup, Bridgetown, Donnybrook and onto to Bunbury. On the way we went through some amazing forest, the Valley of the Giants, no time for the canopy walk unfortunately, but what a great ride through some amazing winding roads. I had my first little wakeup call with Kangaroo’s when two cam dashing out across the road about a hundred meters in front of me. It was first a wonderful thought of how nice these animals are, but then it dawned on me, they were moving very fast and I can assure you they did not look before crossing the road! OK so be extra aware of these guys!

It is truly wonderful how the country changes, just a couple of days ago we were in the bush with little to no tree’s at all, only shrubs, now we have vineyards advertising there products (bugger, cant stop we are riding) canopy walks across hug trees, fields of grain, rolling hills and pictures lakes. And then the ocean, looking wild and cold! The dive centres we have stopped at have all made us feel so very welcome, the people are happy, friendly and helpful. Nice to be in Australia.

From Burbury we then went to Mamdurah and now we are in Perth. Over 6,500 kilometres, however, not yet half way! Ready for Sundays beach and underwater clean up with Perth Scuba, see Perth Scuba website for details.

To get the complete tracks and ride report adventure click here


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