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Shark Petitions and World Ocean Day


On June 8 we celebrated World Ocean Day - did you have a good one? We did!

World Ocean Day this year was all about inspiring the youth to make them aware of ocean conservation.

Downbelow got involved through Project AWARE’s Give Sharks A Chance petition, a coordinated effort by Project AWARE to collect 100,000 signatures by World Ocean Day to highlight the plight of sharks to world policy makers.

We're always proactive about our environment and our staff, clients, groups and even our Go Pro interns are always willingly roped in to help with relevant causes.

After all, as divers, what would we - and those who come after us - do without oceans to dive in?

As people who get to spend time with the underwater water world, who know exactly what there is to protect, we divers are the best people to explain why it's important to conserve.

Give a Shark a Chance

For those reasons Downbelow's office staff took to the streets of our office complex here in KK Times Square, Kota Kinabalu and talked to people face-to-face.

The peril that sharks are in were explained as well as why they are so important to the ecology of the world's oceans. The message hits home, especially here in Kota Kinabalu where Shark's Fin is still found on menus of some restaurants.

Our staff collected an extra 65 signature on this day alone, swelling our already substantial list of signatories and online submission that we've inspired.

Together with causes like Project AWARE’s Give Sharks A Chance petition we continue our own conservation efforts. Together we will make a difference to the plight of sharks and the oceans they live in.

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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