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The Start of PADI AWARE Week at Oceans 5 Gili Air

Beach Clean Up Gili Air| PADI AWARE Week Gili Islands

PADI AWARE Week is a global initiative that highlights the importance of marine conservation and engages the diving community in meaningful activities to protect our oceans. At Oceans 5 Gili Air, we are thrilled to participate in this annual event, which serves as a reminder of our commitment to safeguarding the underwater world we love so much. This week, we’ve kicked off a series of events aimed at raising awareness, encouraging action, and celebrating the collective efforts of our community and volunteers.

Kicking Off with a Beach Cleanup
Yesterday, we launched PADI AWARE Week with our weekly beach cleanup. Despite the weather not being on our side, a dedicated group of volunteers came together to make a difference. While the turnout was smaller than usual, perhaps due to the unpredictable conditions, the commitment of those who participated was unwavering. Together, we collected an impressive 38 kilograms of rubbish from the beach right in front of our dive shop.

The cleanup effort, though modest in numbers, was significant in impact. The rubbish collected included plastic bottles, food wrappers, discarded fishing nets, and other debris that had washed ashore. These cleanups are not just about removing waste; they’re about raising awareness of the ongoing issue of marine pollution and encouraging sustainable practices within our community.

Next Cleanup: Diving for a Cleaner Ocean
As part of our ongoing efforts during PADI AWARE Week, we’re organizing another cleanup next Sunday, but this time, we’re taking the action underwater. We invite everyone to join us for an ocean floor cleanup, an event that promises not only to make a tangible difference but also to offer a unique and rewarding diving experience.

The event will start at 16:30, with participants gathering at the dive shop for paperwork, equipment setup, and briefings. It’s essential that everyone understands the importance of safety, proper techniques, and the environmental impact of our actions before we dive in. After the briefing, at around 17:00, we’ll jump into the water to collect rubbish from the ocean floor.

Underwater cleanups are particularly important as they help to remove debris that poses a threat to marine life. Plastic bags, fishing lines, and other waste can entangle sea creatures, damage coral reefs, and disrupt the delicate balance of marine ecosystems. By participating in this event, you’ll be contributing directly to the health of our local marine environment, ensuring that the underwater world around Gili Air remains vibrant and thriving.

Special Offers on PADI AWARE Courses
In addition to the cleanups, we’re excited to offer a special promotion on all our PADI AWARE courses during this week. All PADI AWARE courses at Oceans 5 Gili Air are discounted by 15%, making it the perfect time to deepen your understanding of marine conservation and become more actively involved in protecting our oceans.

PADI AWARE courses are designed to educate divers about the critical issues facing our oceans, from the impact of marine debris to the importance of sustainable fishing practices. These courses empower divers to become advocates for the ocean, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to make a positive impact both above and below the surface.

Whether you’re new to diving or an experienced instructor, there’s always something to learn. The courses cover a range of topics, including coral reef conservation, responsible diving practices, and the role of divers in ocean protection. By taking advantage of this discount, you can not only enhance your diving skills but also contribute to a global movement dedicated to preserving our oceans for future generations.

Join Us in Making a Difference
PADI AWARE Week at Oceans 5 Gili Air is more than just a series of events—it’s a call to action. It’s an opportunity for divers, locals, and visitors alike to come together and make a tangible difference in the fight against marine pollution. The health of our oceans depends on the actions we take today, and every small effort counts.

We encourage everyone to participate in our upcoming events, whether it’s joining us for the underwater cleanup or enrolling in one of our discounted PADI AWARE courses. By working together, we can create a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable ocean environment.

So, hurry up and sign up at our dive shop! Let’s make this PADI AWARE Week one to remember, filled with positive action and a shared commitment to the protection of our beautiful underwater world. Together, we can ensure that the oceans remain a source of wonder and life for generations to come.

From the My Ocean Community

My Ocean is a growing community of conservation leaders. Together, our actions add up to global impact for our ocean planet.

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