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Getting future PADI pros excited about the ocean through Dive Against Debris!


Last week we had a great Dive Against Debris here at Scuba Center Asia with our divemaster candidates. We went to one of our classic training sites, Pontoon. On the first dive, the divemaster candidates practiced their mapping efforts and on dive two we decided to give back to the ocean! It is of critical importance to get future PADI pros excited about clean up efforts as they act as role models and ambassadivers to any guests diving with them in the future. As torchbearers, they can spread the word and convey to others the pivotal role the ocean plays to not just the underwater world, but to all life on earth. I think a Dive Against Debris is the perfect tool for this.

Lots of trash items were picked up and taken with us to dry land. The candidates then sorted through the trash using the Dive Against Debris slate and everything was recored, which I then added to the database.

Thanks to our divemaster candidates Inyo, Veerle and Melanie for their efforts!

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