As many of you know, EASTER is a BIG DEAL at the Johnson home, but so is keeping our world sustanable and our water and its habitats safe. Since our kids are aging and big kid Easter egg hunts aren't really a thing, we decided to shake things up and invite our divers to a Pre Easter Project Aware Event for families. Families brought out food, kids, and themselves. We often forget that divers have a life outside the water, but Saturday was the perfect day to see it all. Although it was cold, we had the hot tub open and the water slide going. During the Easter Egg hunt, people could buy eggs with Ocean Facts in them to be hidden and we collected donations for continued work with Project Aware. The day was full of all kids of fun. My wife took a few pics, but not many. Next year, we plan to continue the tradition. In Texas Diving really pics back up in May and this gave our crew the perfect chance to get a head start talking about diving, saving our oceans, and the Resurrection of Jesus!