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Retirando Artes de Pesca Fantasma_ Removing Ghost fishing gears

This is the net. Esta es la red
Aguadulce, Spain

36.825726405107, -2.5003225822761

Las redes, hilos de pesca, plomadas y trampas abandonadas o perdidas siguen ocasionando muertes bajo el mar inútilmente. Hemos localizado una gran red en la que se siguen enganchando peces, y que está rompiendo gorgonias (corales blandos) además de varias trampas y cientos de metros de hilos de pesca. Durante esta Jornada, un grupo de 8 profesionales del buceo recreativo PADI, nos dedicaremos a retirarlas del fondo submarino.

Abandoned or lost nets, fishing lines, weights and traps continue to cause useless underwater deaths. We have located a large net in which fish are still being hooked, and which is breaking gorgonians (soft corals) as well as several traps and hundreds of meters of fishing lines. During this day, a group of 8 PADI recreational diving professionals, will dedicate themselves to remove them from the seabed.


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